
Monday, June 29, 2015

Daily Diary 74

Hello everyone, or well who ever reads this blog which could be anyone or no one! Anyway exciting news, I have finally graduated high School! How exciting! I am super stoked to be going away for college. In which I will be majoring in history! I just got my room mate assignment and it kind of put everything into persecutive! I am literally growing up and going to college. I am leaving my old life behind and beginning again! This couldn't be more exciting for me! I am so excited and I really hope that my room mate and I will get along and that we become great friends but who knows what will happen right? Anyway I will be signing off! See you real soon! (Maybe because I always forget I have a blog, which is probably bad blogging skills or what ever lol)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Daily Diary 73

I'm feeling really hurt and betrayed right now. I'm upset. So no I am not acting like a five year old I'm being the mature one letting my self cool down before I say something that I don't mean. 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Daily Diary 72

I kind of just want to get in my car and drive off. Just leave and never come back. I almost want to pull a Margo Roth I feel like my life recently has just gotten so weird. My friends are acting strange, my parents are acting strange and everyone around me is just out there...or maybe it's me. I don't know. All I know is that I am a messed up chick who's life is a series of unfortunate events. All I have is my fandoms and fanfictions to help me through the day. I have imaginary friends still and I talk to them. Pft I must be delirious right? No...I'm not, I'm just lonely, I think...My friends all apparently went out after prom without telling me. I had been asking for a week what we wanted to do and no one answered me but I guess now I know why...They went out without me. I want to believe that it isn't true but all the facts point to it being true. Not only that I just feel so left out of my own friend group where all these people are supposed to be my best friends. Especially my one friend, hes my best friend and I don't know why he wouldn't think to even say something to me. I figured the other two wouldn't say anything but him...I expected...I don't I expected him to tell me. As for the two, my Freddie and Katy as I like to call them on her as an overused Skins reference (A British TV show that I highly recommend) they are still together and even though I refer to myself as Effy, I do not get the guy in the end but I do get to keep Effy's depression although not the psychotic depression she has. I'm not even diagnosed with depression it just feels like I am all the time. Like I am constantly underwater ( another overused expression of mine) Anyway my lovely Katy is still a bitch to me, sorry to say but I feel like she does some of the things she does because I am around. As far as "Freddie" goes he's an idiot. Yesterday with those two and my best friend wasn't great. It was actually pretty horrible. I cried the whole way home. Then proceeded to be pissed for the rest pof the night. I am just so done with all of there crap that they give me. I usually am a good sport for a lot of things they do and all that but god this sucks...Idk how to even explain it.